CY8ER’s Mashilo Announces 1st Photo Book

CY8ER Mashilo Photo Book Cover

CY8ER’s Mashilo has announced the release of her 1st photo book.

The photo book is scheduled to be released on July 7th.

Announced through a series of tweets, Mashilo revealed several previews of her photo book where she also mentioned that there will be an event for the release.

The photo book will contain 96 pages of photos. There will be an alternate Amazon cover available which will also feature a random photo included as a bonus.

CY8ER Mashilo Photo Book Cover Amazon Cover

It has only been a few hours but the photo book has already soared in the Amazon ranking, which is expected since Mashilo is fairly popular since her DEEP GIRL days.

In fact, there’s an app where fans can support their idol by voting on images called Cheerz. In it she usually ranks in the top spots, which is a great since she seems to have a large amount of support from fans.

If you’d like to see more previews make sure to follow Mashilo on Twitter since she posted a large variety of them for fans to enjoy. For now I highly recommend you get it a copy once it’s out since it seems like a must have for fans!